Walt:To write a successful recount
When I woke up I never expected that I was going to be soaking my teacher.You are probably wondering what i'm talking about well you will have to read on to find out.
So it all started like this Mr Goodwin said we were going to do something fun today and he was right.So we had no clue what it was until he asked one the students in my class to go grab a bag from Mr Somevills office. When she came back there was a towel some flippers and a snorkeling mask in the bag.I thought we were going swimming or something like that until he told us to lineup then go to the bottom field were there was nine buckets with one sponge in each one and three chairs.When we got down there Mr Jacobson and Mr Somevill told us to sit down then told us what you could call the game they said soak your teacher wet your teacher I was so excited.
We all lined up behind the buckets all looking happy that we could wet are teachers.Then we looked at the teachers all three of them were getting into swimming gear about to sit on the three chairs.Now they were all seated then we called the people who were throwing the sponges executioners.Then the first three at our lines lined up ready to throw get ready set throw instantly all three through the sponges but most of them missed well then the next three mostly missed same as the next three but then it was my turn.Ready set go I got Mr Goodwin right by his heart nearly hitting his neck but after a few turns one of the boys hit him in his face and another hit him right were I should’t say well then it was one of my friends turns he missed but then squeeze the sponge straight on top of Mr Goodwin's head But now it was the end.
But there was three people from each class who wet their teacher the most those nine where going to get chocolate but Mr Somevill forgot them so instead they got to pour the whole bucket of water on there teachers head.The teachers must of felt miserable after that cold water going all over themselves.Well now then we all walk back to class extremely happy I think this was one of the best days ever.
I think this was very fun indeed especially the part where we got to wet are teachers.Overall this was very fun this was so cool but we are probably never going to do this again so i'm kind of disappointed but this was very fun.
Task description for this task we had to write a recount for a test and it was about getting to throw sponges at our teachers.
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