
Friday, 12 May 2017

Smart shoe

We are learning about what this image is and what it does what's it's made out to.The shoe looks big blue grey it's looks really cool to.The shoe looks like it's really fast too.I think it’s made out of rubber plastic wool and string maybe metal. I think it’s made out of these material because how it looks like and what's its use is for

I think this solves a problem of roller skates because this might be much faster and easier to balance.I think there roller skates but faster. You put it on and you push the thing at the front then your start skating then it goes by it but faster.

This product is a smart shoe. The smart shoe is a shoe that you control by your phone.The problem that it solves is your size it can warm up your feet and you do not half to tie your shoes.The smart shoe is used for making walking easier.The smart shoe works from your phone you get the app and you can control your smart shoes.

It's a good idea because it makes walking easier because it tells you where you are.No because it might cost way too much money.If i I could edit the next edition it would be able to stick on walls it makes you jump really high and it charges by itself.

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